Actualités of Friday, 25 December 2015


121 soldiers trained to detect explosive devices

Les militaires en formation Les militaires en formation

The national defense forces have received some training to enable them detect explosive devices since the former Boko Haram have resorted to suicide attacks.

Thus, the high command initiated, for one year, training for the military engaged at the front.

The latest wave of 41 people (6 officers and 35 non -commissioned personnel) received lessons from the armed forces of Ngaoundere Centre, for 15 days. The module is focused on destruction, operational search, and the route opening.

Eye of the Sahel informed that the "tips and pieces of advice were given to them by Colonel Jackson Kamgain, Director of Military Engineering on Thursday, December 17, 2015."

In his speech, he recalled the context of the development of this training.

"The military genius, which is the military explosives expert, has undertaken a capacity of its staff development program in the fight against IEDs, since 2014. Thus, in partnership with France, during the first half of 2015, four officers were trained in France; six officers in Garoua; and 70 non -commissioned personnel, trained in destruction and route opening. This is a capacity building of the military engineering specialists who are already deployed as part of the operation Emergence 4 and Alpha will enable them to respond effectively on improvised explosive devices.

Moreover, the military engineering department has a high capacity tactical and operational level, able to plan, advise, design, conduct and control all the IEDs related operations," said Colonel Jackson Kamgain.