The information published in the national daily with public capital follows a judicial decision of the Paris Commercial Court.
The President of the Paris Commercial Court found that the sub-licensing agreement "Radio Nostalgie" subscribed by the company Sorano Cameroon was terminated on August 25, 2014.
Indeed, that company was given the order to "definitively cease" disseminating Nostalgia and Radio Nostalgie brands, and not to use 'in any form whatsoever ".
Radio Nostalgie must change its name according to the director of the station Alix Fétué, the repositioning of the radio broadcasting landscape in Cameroon is pending. The 96.0 Fm has a new partner already.
Quoted in the Cameroon national newspaper on Friday, January 8, 2016, Alix Fétué said that "in a few weeks, we will engage with the new partner for the experimental phase: technical installations, refurbishment of premises, staff retraining, etc. And when this is all over, the new name will be announced following a trial in the rules of art. "