Infos Sports of Thursday, 17 December 2015


Cécifoot: Players demand premiums

La sélection nationale La sélection nationale

Players and coaching staff of the national Blind Football team stormed the premises of the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education on Wednesday in order to claim their different premiums.

This was after their brilliant course at the last African Championship of Nations (Can) discipline, held in October in Douala.

Cameroonian players had indeed finished runners-up, beaten by Morocco in the final 0-2.

"The ministry has given us nothing: neither the Olympic premium nor the premium of the course or that of games won, much less than the second place finish. But it's almost two months that the competition ended," protested a member of the national Cécifoot selection.

Reportedly, the vice-champions of Africa had planned a strike today in the plaza of that Ministry.

"The players were really determined to express their grievances by organizing a strike action. But at the last minute, we have chosen the path of negotiation," added another source. It is in the office of the Director of Sports that high-level discussions have taken place.

Players demand FCFA 4 million per player

Players would claim four million francs each as premium garnered by the silver medal. Other bonuses will be added to the pay. But MINSEP discussions did not yield much.

"We told the players that the file is proceeding normally and should be fixed soon because it still lacks some signatures." Except that "There is no fixed date. This is not the first time we have sorted with such an issue," revealed our source.

Thus, the players of Willy Djiepmo have promised to return on December 27. The strike action that was aborted could take place if they do not have a concrete answer, we were informed.