Infos Business of Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Cameroon to revive the privatization process

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The Cameroonian government plans to revive in 2016, the public enterprise privatization process interrupted for some time, where the state could reap a sum of FCFA 120 billion.

While it is true that for the moment no timetable thereon was released, sources close to the Ministry of Finance are predicting the period "before the second quarter of the year," suggesting that operations could begin in the month of March.

It is an initiative which comes within the framework of the fifth program, which contains the names of the companies to be privatized.

Pending the publication of the complete list of public enterprises to be privatized, everything suggests that these are already open cases which are particularly concerned.

In the Line of Fire of these new privatizations, there are several companies, among others, Compagnie Nationale Air Transport (CAMAIR-CO), the Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL), banana branch of the Cameroon development corporation (CDC) Société Camerounaise des Dépôts Pétroliers (SCDP) or the Cotton Development Company (SODECOTON).