Energy of Cameroon (ENEO) published Nov. 26, 2015 a statement on its website. The company that supports the production and distribution of electrical energy in Cameroon announced maintenance
work on its network from 28 November 2015.
The statement said in terms of the central and southern regions that "As part of securing the electricity
supply, Eneo Cameroon, informs customers of Regions of Yaounde, Central and South that it will
proceed this Sunday, November 29, 2015 from 06H to 17H with major maintenance work on the lines
Oyomabang / Ngousso and Mangombe / Oyomabang ".
The conclusion after a glance at the list of the neighbourhoods is that almost all the city, agency
headquarters will be in the dark on Sunday. Yet ENEO indicates that "for this work and for safety
reasons, some localities and districts of the city of Yaoundé, parts of Central and South will remain
unfed." This information may be true for the South Region since the shedding will affect only certain
metropolises like Ebolowa, Sangmélima, Akonolinga or Lolodorf etc. (???).
Littoral region seems to pay the heavy price. Load shedding will touch upon this Douala, the economic
capital on November 28. The cuts will extend until 4 December in cities of the region such as
Nkongsamba. The East, West, North-West, South West and Adamawa will also undergo the said
shedding. As usual, ENEO "strongly recommends to its valued customers to unplug all sensitive
equipment throughout the duration of the work and do not reconnect for 15 minutes following the
effective return of electricity."