Infos Business of Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Electricity: Distribution disrupted in East Region

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The East region is undergoing a series of disturbances in the distribution of electrical energy.

In Bertoua, the phenomenon has been observed since Monday, December 7. That day, around 6 pm, there was darkness throughout the city until the next day around 5:30 am.

It is a situation that will be repeated for many days. At Yokadouma, capital of Moumba-et-Ngoko, people had no electricity for over a week. CT approached by John Paul Mvondo, head of communications at Eneo / East, said the company is "engaged for some time in a set of maintenance of production tools."

According to this source, it is as a result of this that they are having the cuts recorded in the region. Two teams are deployed for at least ten days.

"This work is in anticipation of better preparing for the holiday season," he said. The town of Bertoua pays the highest price. At Garoua-Boulaï and in some border cities, "efforts are made to see that there is no power cut at night, especially for reasons of safety in these areas."

In fact, eleven generators supply the cities of the East (Bertoua, Abong-Mbang, Dimako, Doumé, Belabo, Minta, Nguelemendouka, Batouri, Mandjou, Yokadouma, etc.), for a capacity of approximately 10 megawatts (MW ).

All these devices operate with fuel regulated by Eneo. According to our source, the town of Bertoua only consumes at least 40,000 liters of fuel per month. Eneo pays over a billion FCFA to regulate fuel bills related expenses.

Nonetheless, the hope of the population relies on the reservoir of the Lom Pangar dam which will definitely settle in the East clippings problems. With a foot plant of a capacity of 30 MW, the current disruption should be resolved.

This is because the hydraulic power source is more reliable than the generators that are currently used in the region. These hardly manage to satisfy a portfolio of 24,000 customers that account for Eneo Cameroon in this region.