Infos Business of Saturday, 9 January 2016


Lesson from Christine Lagarde to President Biya

Toast de Christine Lagar Toast de Christine Lagar

In Yaounde on Thursday, January 7, 2016, for an official three-day visit, Christine Lagarde, the Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was yesterday evening at the Unity Palace for a dinner given in her honor by Paul Biya, the Head of State.

Speaking after the toast with her host, Christine Lagarde has indicated that in Cameroon, "poverty still prevails and particularly persists in rural areas." And yet, according to the boss of the IMF, “Cameroon compared to some of its neighbors, is not without advantages, not without options" despite a regional economic context more morose.

"I remember three great options that will contribute to the development and growth of Cameroon towards that goal you set, that of the emergence in 2035: regional integration, infrastructure, a wise choice and a healthy business climate ...”