Actualités of Friday, 24 June 2016


Administrative audits unveil irregularities

Administrative audits carried out in 2014 in some public and semi-public enterprises by the Audit Bench of the Supreme Court, uncovered a multitude of irregularities. According to the 2014 Report presented by the institution to members of the National Assembly’s Committee on Finance and Budget on June 23, 2016, during their 14th Exchange Forum, the Audit Bench made five final observation reports concerning the National Printing Press, CIMENCAM, MAETUR, SIC and the AYABA Hotel in Bamenda.

In the report presented by one of the Masters of the Supreme Court, Pierre Kameni, two final observation reports used as examples concerned the accounts of the 2004 and 2005 financial years of the Urban and Rural Lands Development Authority (MAETUR) and the Cameroon Real Estate Company (SIC).

Problems raised in the report on MAETUR concerned, amongst others, the non-harmonisation of its articles of association with the 1999 Law on the general rules and regulations governing public establishments and public and semi-public enterprises and the payment of performance bonuses beyond the legal quota of 10 per cent of net annual profit.

At the Cameroon Real Estate Company (SIC), lapses noticed included the recruitment by the Director General of senior staff without the authorisation of the Board, the sale by the Director General of houses and plots of land without the consent of the Board of Directors as well as the settlement of expenses unrelated to SIC’s corporate purpose.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, the Finance Committee Chair, Hon. Ayayi Rosette Julienne lauded the Audit Bench and said the latter’s annual report contributes in edifying MPs particularly the Committee’s Rapporteurs concerned with parliamentary control of public finances.