Actualités Régionales of Saturday, 14 February 2015


Bafang – Bangangté accident claims 20 lives

A collision between two passenger buses on Friday, February 13, 2015, around 3: 30 p.m. at Bana in the West region has claimed at least 20 persons.

"The 30 seater bus belonging to Ndé Airline which departed from Douala to Bangangté collided with another bus from Yaoundé to Bafang. They met head on at Bana after the gendarmerie post" noted Guy Bomeni an eyewitness.

Some passengers suspect that the accident might have occurred because the driver of the bigger coastal bus was dozing while driving.

"This driver was insistent on driving after the trip. He was really tired during the journey, there are moments when he missed his lane. This is how we realized that he was dozing" noted a victim.

The injured and deceased have been transported to a hospital in Bafang, in the Department of Haut-Nkam.