Politique of Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Source: La Meteo

CPDM to celebrate 32yrs of Biya regime

The Secretary General of the central Committee of the ruling party called on its activists to support the national president against insecurity at the borders of Cameroon.

'We should all rally behind the president Paul Biya in the battle against insecurity for the safeguarding of the territorial integrity, the preservation of peace and the consolidation of national unity'.

This is the theme this year, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the head of State in the supreme office. Circular No. 57/CPDM/CC/SG/CAB of 28 October 2014 signed by Jean Nkuété is more accurate with respect to the event.

"The thirty-second anniversary of national renewal marking accession to the supreme office of his Excellency Mr. Paul Biya is celebrating this year in a context, alas, strongly influenced by the weakness of destabilization of our country with the war imposed on us at the northern borders and the recurrent aggressions suffered by the populations on the eastern borders of Cameroon", he stated.

According to the Secretary General of the central Committee of the party, these destabilising impulses tend to impose a real psychosis on the people living there, with the ultimate aim of undermining the faith of the people in national peace, harmony and unity that are the most consistent indicators of the institutional stability of Cameroon.

The other comrades, continued Jean Nkuété, members of the Government, mayors, members of Parliament, Directors General, economic operators and other elite should unite in their respective locality behind the CPDM section president to ensure the success of the celebration.