Actualités Régionales of Saturday, 15 November 2014

Source: The Eye Newspaper

CRTV goes mute for months in Nkambe

“When it started some 8 months ago, I thought my television set was bad but when I enquired from my neighbors, they too said they were witnessing the same problem” says Tantoh Emmanuel. “It is too bad that we have been having images without sound for the past 7 or 8 months,” Ngwayi Theophilus told this reporter.

The population of Nkambe, the Divisional Headquarters of Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region have gone for over 8 months now without enjoying CTRV.

This is so due to the fact that the lone CRTV transmitter recorded a breakdown. It is alleged that the part that transmit sound is bad yet nothing is being done.

The manner at which some of this transmission equipment is neglected is becoming a cause for concern. “Every month I pay audiovisual taxes yet I do not enjoy the services I pay for. This is not fair at all” lamented Ngiri Joseph Lamo, a secondary school teacher. “Is CRTV management not aware of this problem?”, Tata Roland questioned in anger.

“We get news from the National Station thanks to the efforts of our local community radio but I was informed that if this transmitter is repaired, the entire Division can receive the mother station on FM” Kimbi Jethro vomited.

“In fact I do not want to talk about this issue; we rely mostly on our local radio stations when they do relay the National Station. In fact this is bad”, Komo Thomson said.

The situation of Nkambe is so wretched that almost everyone we accosted expressed disgust. Since the last world cup matches it is alleged television images went off, but when the image resurfaced, it came without sound. The population is wondering whether they are part of this country and or why they have been neglected constantly.