Actualités of Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Chinese fishermen in tug of war with South West fishermen

October edition of Green Vision Newspaper indicates that at certain point, the industrial Chinese fishermen had even clashed with local counterparts in which the latter had their equipment destroyed.

Apolinius, a fisherman in Limbe is quoted as saying “They use large vessels and nets to scrape off everything in the sea. These people have no concern for the future.

Another fisherman, Mola Cyprian says he is unable to meet up with his household demands because of the over exploitation by the Chinese fishermen. The problem has not only affected local fishermen, it has an adverse impact on the prices of fish in the market. Fish is now sold at exorbitant prices, twice the prices used to be sold in the past.

An aquaculture expert Tongwa Thomas speaking to The Green Vision reveals that the lackluster attitude of administrative authorities is encouraging the unregulated fishing activities.

He said, “These industrial men get licenses to catch only mature fishes in the high sea. Conversely, they catch everything from smaller to the matured.”

According to the South West regional Delegate for Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Walters Nji ANDU, there have been some irregularities in the sea but that repressive measures are being put in place to regulate fishing activities in Cameroon seas.

He went further to say his ministry works in collaboration with the defense forces to monitor activities of fishermen both industrial and artisanal.

The regional delegate also revealed that several fishing vessels which have gone beyond the three nautical miles or petroleum areas have been impounded where defaulters pay up to 500,000 FCFA.