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Infos Sports of Monday, 10 November 2014

Source: Cameroon Concord

Eto'o "Old Man" celebration added to FIFA 15 video game

As if millions of people weren't eager and in anticipation of getting their hands on FIFA 15 video game later this month, a video tutorial for the new goal celebrations included in the game has been released and Samuel Eto'o's 'old man celebration' features prominently in it.

The greatest African football of all times introduced the celebration to the planet while playing for Chelsea. Renewed speculation about his age was fueled when Jose Mourinho was secretly recorded saying that the 32-year-old striker could be at least several years older than he claimed.

This filled the papers for days and when Eto'o scored against Spurs, he responded to the speculation by putting a hand on his back while he holds on to the corner flag for support.