Actualités Régionales of Monday, 6 May 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

FCFA 200 Million For Reunification Celebrations

South West elite, traditional rulers as well as Cameroonians from different regions resident in the region, Saturday 4 May, thronged the Kumba City Council Banquet hall for the final fund raising in prelude to the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of Cameroon's reunification billed for Buea this year. Meeting under the canopy of the South West Regional Support Committee for the Reunification celebration, chaired by former Prime Minister and now Grand Chancellor of National Orders, Peter Mafany Musonge, the committee has realized the sum of FCFA 200 million to support the successful organization of the event. The money would be used to feed the well over 20,000 people expected from the different divisions of the region and else where as well as lodge guests amongst other activities.

The committee's balance sheet gives a very resounding report card as they have raised more than the FCFA 150 million which was their initial targeted. In his address, Peter Mafany Musonge noted that "we are raising funds for a noble cause, namely to support the efforts of our Region to sensitize and mobilize the population, welcome and host the President of the Republic, the President of all Cameroonians, his guests and other Cameroonians during the Reunification celebration of our country".

Earlier in the steering committee meeting, Mr. Musonge said indicators are glaring for everyone to see that the celebrations are on course with projects, educational conferences on going and the regional support committee also very active. He relayed the praises and encouragement from the National Organising Committee to the South West Support Committee.

The President of the South West Elite Association, SWELA, Epie Ekale and that of the South West Chief's Conference, Fon Fontem Njifua were all of the opinion that the entire region should reap from the fallouts of the reunification celebration. The major problem in most parts of the region is access roads which they prayed government to link all the six divisional headquarters to the regional headquarter with tarred roads. They nonetheless expressed gratitude to President Paul Biya for the Kumba-Mamfe and the Loum-Kumba-Mundemba -Akwa roads approved by government for construction.

The fund raising with Senator elect Nfor Tabe Tando as chief launcher, also presented a veritable opportunity for the chairperson of the local support committee to pay glowing tribute to the paramount ruler of the Bafaws, Nfon V E Mukete whom he said worked for reunification in 1961 and is still working today for the celebrations.