Actualités of Sunday, 25 January 2015

Source: The Sun Newspaper

Commission to evaluate training abroad detects 3 fake certificates

The 74th Session of the National Evaluation Commission for Training Domains Offered Abroad met January 15 at the Yaoundé Higher Teacher Training College under the chairmanship of Higher Education Minister, Jacques Fame Ndongo who doubles as Chancellor of Academic Orders assisted by the Commission’s Vice Chair, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Michel Ange Angouin.

After examining a total of 214 files, members of the Commission including Prof Xavier Etoa, Technical Adviser at PM Office who represented the Prime Minister, Head of Government, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education, Prof Horace Ngomo, representatives of the Ministry of External Relations, Public Health, Secondary Education, Employment and Vocational Training unanimously granted equivalences to 211 while 3 were declared fake.

They promised as usual to hand the fake certificates to the judiciary for prosecution.

Speaking during the occasion, Minister Fame Ndongo said the commission meeting has since been a tradition in major activities of the Ministries of Higher Education and Public Service and Administrative Reforms.

He further explained that since its creation in 1977, they have examined files from about 100 countries worldwide taking major decisions and recommendations. “Apart from being one of the oldest structures of our higher education system for the appreciation, evaluation and validation of other countries, the commission also helps in ameliorating Cameroon university system.” The minister underlined.

Explaining other details of the commission to reporters, the Coordinator of Academic Activities at the Ministry of Higher Education, Prof Wilfred GABSA said “The objective of this commission is to verify the authenticity of training domains offered abroad in order to enable holders of such certificates to operate in Cameroon. We also give the certificate a level so that the holder can be recruited or integrated in the system or use the certificates to further their studies in Cameroon. Before this session, the Minister of Higher Education had dispatched a team to France to verify the authenticity of certain certificates and some of those files have already returned waiting for validation by the National Commission.”