Actualités of Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Fon Teche: 250 Fons elected, so 11 cannot oust me

The president of North West Fons Union NOWEFU Senator Fon Teche Njei II of Ngemuwa village Momo Division has reminded his detractors that he still remain the president of NW Fons’ Union in spite ploy by a cream of 11 fons to frustrate his administration.

He insists that he was elected by 250 fons of the region and 11 out of the 250 because of for selfish political ploy, cannot fire him from his position as NOWEFU president. “I will continue as president till 2015 when my mandates finishes.”

He said that he cannot abandon 231 fons to heed to 11 disgruntled fons who are merely envious of his political achievements.”

He said “not every Cameroonian is happy with president Paul Biya but he must complete his mandate by 2018 given that majority of Cameroonians are his admirers, so is Fon Teche with a comfortable majority of the Fons of the region.

Eleven fons of the region met few months ago at Mankon fon’s palace in a desperate attempt to displace him as NOWEFU president on grounds of obnoxious award of titles to the public.

He was since then requested to retrieve the titles or face the music. A request that is more than human ordinance. It is apparently on this premise that he argued he could not step down on request of only 11 fons when he was duly elected by 250 fons of the region.

He made the declaration in an exclusive chat with Vanguard shortly after the call by Northwest chief executive Gov. Lelel L’Afriaque on the Fons of the Region to bury the hatchet and speak with one voice.

This was on the sidelines of a meeting organized by the CPDM central committee chaired by the vice president of the Senate Simon Achidi Achu to reinforce security in the region against of Boko Haram on Saturday June 14 at Bamenda congress Hall.

Fon Teche said some of the fons’ are “Jealous because I was appointed by the Head of into senate and as a bureau memeber.

The president said NOWEFU does not have problems but in individual fons have problems and this cannot in anyway perturb the functioning of NOWEFU.

He dismissed claims that the rancor amongst fons has an adverse effect of the union and the development plans he has for the union. Questioned on the way forward, he said “we are in a democratic society and people are free to choose where to belong.

Addressing over 54 fons invited to Club 58 for dinner by Senator Fon Teche after the seminar which took place at the Bemanda congress hall, Governor Lele L’ Afrique exhorted hem to respect each other and avoid little squabbles that could blight their integrity ,peace and development of the region.

He said there would be insecurity in the region if the Fon’s continue to be at each other’s throat.

Gov. Lele said a Fon remains a Fon, no matter area where he finds himself. It was on this note that the idea of working against each other fons or claims by other fons as being superior to others either because of their academic standing or population was condemned in very strong terms by the governor.

As auxiliaries of the administration is it “incumbent on you to speak with one voice, avoid meeting administration in dispersed ranks to be able to harnessed the peace and reinforce security and development of the region.

They were also exhorted to stop assisting foreigners to obtain Cameroon birth certificates and other legal documents unorthodoxly.

The fons’ seized the opportunity to hail Fon Teche for his political ingenuity and steadfastness to issues of NOWEFU.