Teaching and learning process in good condition is one of the contributing factors to success. In government secondary schools, it is known that a class should contain at most 60 students which is not the case. Some classes are so overcrowded in a way that teaching and learning process is complicated. It is for this reason that the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) of Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) Bonaberi constructed a 100 million worth structure comprising 12 sizable classrooms and five offices to decongest some classes. The two-storey building that will be given finishing touches during the summer holiday is already occupied by some 700 students.
To the School Principal, Engal François, the two-year project by the PTA is praiseworthy. He disclosed that some overcrowded classes including Form Five Arts with over 160 students have been divided into two. The structure that has a special and secured room for the safeguarding of GCE material is also a booster to students. Cassandra Dikoume, an arts student in form five and Ngo Elouga, a student in PA4 Esp rejoiced that the nightmare of congestion where only those who sat in front of the class understood lessons is over.