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Actualités Criminelles of Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Gangsters Plunder FCFA 1.3m in Douala

In a serial operation that began at 2:30am, 3 unidentified gangsters armed with 2 locally made guns raided two homes at Vallee Ngwele in Bonaberi.

They broke into the first house where they met its owner, Ernest Djometio. The gangsters took the victim hostage, seized his whistle to prevent him from alerting neighbours, then looted FCFA 652.000, 6 mobile phones, jewellery and dresses. The armed robbers continued to the residence of Alain Fotso where they took away FCFA 630.000. That same night the police arrested 8 suspected individuals not far from the area in connection to the robbery. They are being interrogated at the Judicial Police in Bonanjo.