Actualités of Saturday, 14 May 2016

Source: The Eye Newspaper

Human Rights Watch writes to Ntumfor Nico Halle

Big Brother

Happy and peaceful anniversary in advance.

We are writing with a lot of joy and happiness to be part of the up coming event. For sure three decades of good service to the nation is worth celebrating. It is proof of transparent, credible and fair management of the sacred gift you have in handling God’s given talents especially when it comes to money, people and institutions.

Let me start with your colleagues of the prestigious and enviable Cameroon Bar Council. The old and young lawyers will storm Douala on this eventful day to see and testify for themselves that it is not all about money when it comes to the pursuit of the law. This day will also be a standing lesson for some of them to know that “until God builds a home the labourer works in vain.

Big Brother reminder, you know very well that in one of our publications we rated you and former Nigeria vice president AtikuAbubakar as some of the best African statesmen. While the Nigeria press raised Atiku high, the Cameroon Anglophone press did same to you because of the numerous sacrifices both of you have rendered to the members of the Fourth Estate. The Anglophone press will be in Douala not to praise you but to honour you as one of the foremost partners of the press.

The North West Fons will be there in their numbers, though with a nostalgic feeling following the unfortunate and regrettable nature of their union. Memories of the once buoyant and vibrant NOWEFU with you as their spokes person are still fresh in their minds. The Fons are coming with a conviction that “Along side every dark cloud, there is a silver lining”.

Big brother you have always stood by the biblical adage of “knowing the truth and the truth shall set you free”. However, the diplomatic core in and out of Cameroon will take their seats to testify and defend the truth that while serving this beloved nation as North West representative of (NEO) National Elections Observatory at the time, you put an end up till date to the violence that characterized elections in the region.

You ordered the removal of polling stations in distant areas including the rock farm of former Prime Minister Simon AchidiAchu, a move many considered as having dangerous consequences. But you did it as a means of ensuring a hitch free election in Cameroon. There is no gain saying to the fact that this selfless attitude of yours wooed President Paul Biya to give you several recognitions as proof of good service to the nation.

Nevertheless the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon including past and present moderators will storm the event to sing praises to God for the invaluable assistance you have rendered to PCC.

To crown it all “peace is the weapon of the strong and violence that of the weak” as you would always say. Our group the BOTFON Human Rights Watch want to add our voice to other voices across the nation and beyond to wish you and your family a prosperous life and many more years for your law firm.

In the light of the above, we are conferring on you an honorary title of “Cameroon Peace Iroko tree”. Why such a title? It is given as testimony of the unshaken faith you manifested during certain moments of trials and tribulations. Today you stand tall and the rest is history.

God bless you.

MudohWalter Executive Officer

Acha Christopher
BOTFON Human Rights Watch Bamenda
