Actualités of Saturday, 17 January 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Biya receives Russian Ambassador

Moscow promises a multifaceted support to Cameroon in its war against Boko Haram. According to Nikolay Ratsiborinski, Ambassador of the Federation of Russia to Cameroon, received on Friday by President Paul Biya, the Boko Haram phenomenon should not be considered an internal problem in Nigeria.

It is, in his opinion, an act of international terrorism and must be treated as such. This gives rise to many problems hence require international support besides the efforts of the army in repelling the regular attacks on its border with Nigeria, in the region of the far north.

Moscow for its part promised assistance to refugees, on the one hand, and civil protection, on the other hand "within a month". In military terms, in a somewhat more remote period, the Russia intends, according to its Chief of mission in Yaoundé, to put at the disposal of Cameroon of sophisticated arms, of last generation, in artillery, armoured transport of troops and air protection.

The hour-long hearing provided an overview of international developments, with a stop on the major hotbeds of tension: Ukraine, Iraq, the Lake Chad basin.

Nikolay Ratsiborinski said that Cameroon and Russia have agreed to defend and consolidate the role of the United Nations in the search for solutions to the settlement of International Affairs.