Actualités of Thursday, 14 July 2016


Imams visit new CRTV DG

The Director General of the Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV), Charles Ndongo has received in audience some Imams of Yaounde.
Photo for: Imams visit new CRTV DG

The delegation headed by the Imam of the Central Mosque of Yaounde were at the CRTV Production House in Mballa II this July 12, 2016, to congratulate the new Director General on his recent appointment.

During the audience, the Imams prayed Allah to bless the new CRTV boss.

They also pleaded with Mr Charles Ndongo to move the Moslem Programme, "Conaissance d'Islam" from 3:30 pm to a more convenient time.

The Imams explained that they want the change because most of the Faithful are involved in prayers during that time so they cannot watch the programme.

The Director General on his part, thanked the Imams for their visit and good wishes.

He also told them that he will address their problem to the department concerned.