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Politique of Friday, 22 July 2016

Source: lcclc.info

Martin Oyono welcomed as a hero in Kribi

According to La Nouvelle Expression of Monday, July 18, 2016, the Honourable Martin Oyono, the “rebel” MP of the CPDM, arrived on Saturday in Kribi to launch a holiday championship.

Against all odds, the paper said, sport was instead taken as a secondary event, “as the people had” thirst “to see and greet this elect of the people who had the courage to stand up against the rest of his fellow militants, for the Defense of the Republic and against the laxity of his party the CPDM, “it said.

“We are delighted for the position you held to defend at the National Assembly, it honors us,” whispered a notable to the MP. In response to the crowd, Martin Oyono renewed his gratitude. “To see you manifest in this way, I have goosebumps. But know that what I did was nothing less than my work, “he said.

LNE says Martin Bell Benae also gave words of encouragement, former Mayor of Kribi 1, “whose older brother, Serge Benae still ruminates severe electoral defeat that had inflicted the Honourable Oyono during the parliamentary.”

According to rumors from the presidency, before Paul Biya decided to proofread the texts, black masses were already organized by the elite of the Ocean in Yaounde and Kribi, to propose replacing Martin Oyono during the next legislature.

“The name of Serge Benae was already even circulating, as being the next MP to be invested by the CPDM; and the “rebel” MP would begin his descent into hell. When the texts came back to the Assembly on the instruction of the Head of State, forked tongues poured down the flood of applause, “says LNE.

Martin Oyono strongly opposed to the proposed law on the possibility of immunity of ministers.