Infos Sports of Friday, 26 September 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

President Paul Biya creates National Football Academy

A football school announced by the head of State on February 10, 2010 on the eve of the celebration of the 44th edition of the national youth day, emerged yesterday under the name ‘National football Academy’.

The Decree of the president of the Republic which created the said structure defines the missions; initiation and guidance of young people to the practice of high-level football goes hand in hand with the continuous training of trainers theoretical teaching and the practice of football, the development of national expertise in football-related trades, not to mention documentation and archiving.

Even if it takes the administrative and academic organization and the modalities of functioning of the ANAFOOT which will be set by a particular text, it can still affirm that its creation represents a major turning point in the process of reconstruction of the Cameroonian football, as prescribed by the head of State, following an exhaustive investigation of which the results are progressively translated into relevant and sustainable solutions.

After the return to power of the indomitable Lions on the continental stage in the qualifying round for the CAN2015, the creation of the National football Academy is a cornerstone in the large yard of the rebirth of a Cameroonian football

By engaging in the training of high-level footballers, the State sees more and aims higher in the pursuit of excellence. ANAFOOT comes to open a new era in training for the practice of football in Cameroon.

This unusual institution will naturally be a place par excellence for inculcating the fundamentals of the practice of this discipline to more or less young residents, to make seasoned and efficient future athletes.

Specialized divisions (training of football, technical and vocational training in football of high-level, retrieval) speak volumes on the ambitions and objectives to be achieved.

Beyond the purely sporting aspect, the creation of the national football Academy is a highly symbolic gesture for the youth and the entire national community.

Taking as his promise, president Biya administered proof that he remains a man of his word. This strong gesture proves also that the concerns of youth and sports world are taken into account at the highest summit of the State.