Actualités of Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Source: CRTV

Road Safety Campaigns: National Gendarmerie records success

The Road Safety Missions of the National Gendarmerie have bore fruits as fewer accidents have been recorded over the years since the launch of the road safety champaign by the National Gendarmerie in 2011.

The deployment by gendarmes on the country’s highways during the recent Christmas and New Year feasts paid off as compared to other years.

Speaking to reporters in Ngoung, about 120 km from Yaounde, on the Yaounde-Douala highway during one of the road safety exercises Col. Zacharie Fossi from the National Gendarmerie headquarters said gendarmes worked round the clock, thereby dissuading many potential erring motorists.

As a result, there were fewer highway offences, though over-speeding remained the most recurrent but since the start of 2016, the momentum has been maintained.

Senior Warrant Officer Martin Mbella Eko who was in charge of the mobile patrol team to check disobedient users after check-points noted that their activities have dissuaded some users, therefore, making them drive responsibly.

On the other hand, ace Makossa artiste, Grace Decca, who was travelling from Yaounde to Douala, stopped by at the Ngoung Checkpoint to congratulate gendarmes for doing a good job.

Last weekend’s road safety campaign saw the search of passengers and luggage with metal detectors and check of vehicle particulars. Erring motorists were booked and asked to pay corresponding fines.