Actualités of Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Source: Investir au Cameroun

Telecoms and ICT employed 50% in the tertiary sector in Cameroon

According to the Minister of posts and telecommunications, Jean Pierre Biyiti bi Essam, ICT and Telecoms are a strategic and critical sector involved in the fight against unemployment in Cameroon.

These companies permitted the creation of 6000 direct jobs and 500,000 indirect jobs since 1998.

As such, pointed out Minister Biyiti Bi Essam, telecoms are the largest source of employment in the tertiary sector of the country, with 50 per cent of the posts filled by companies marketing goods and services.

The palme d'Or for these employers is owned by mobile phone companies, which, in addition to the direct jobs generated (Nexttel, the 3rd mobile operator, is considering 6300 jobs), they control a vast network of subcontractors.

According to the DG of MTN Cameroon, Karl Toriola, through this practice of subcontracting that energizes local SMEs, the activities of the Cameroon subsidiary of the South African telecoms operator "employs 200,000 young people on a daily basis".