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Actualités Criminelles of Friday, 27 September 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Third, Fourth Accused Testify in Ecobank Robbery

The trial was adjourned to October 8, 2013 for a continuation of defence testimonies.

The third and fourth out of 13 accused of the Ecobank armed robbery case testified before the Douala military court last Tuesday September 24, 2013. Silas Djieukumo, a Nigerian fisherman, born and bred in Cameroon, is accused by the prosecution of having served as guide to the assailants on the high sea.

In his declarations, he explained that he was kidnapped on high sea after their boat was attacked by some men in two boats, while he was en route to buy petrol for resale at Eket mobile station (in the Bakassi border with Nigeria). He said he obeyed for fear of his life and guided the men to the banks of River Wouri. While there, some of them left, leaving him with two armed guards. After having carried out their operation, they returned to Nigeria where they abandoned him to himself.

But, on their way, had a confrontation with the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) on the high sea; where one of the boats with its occupants was destroyed. The other one, where he was, had eight persons of which five died and one sustained serious injuries. The next accused, Cosmas Ngwayi, a marine officer at the naval base, explained that on the fateful March 18, 2011 night he was at home. He was awakened from sleep by his wife, who had heard the sound of gun shots.

He called other officers working at the naval base to no avail. He later called some persons among whom Aristide Ndoumbe. Failing to get any information, he left the house, together with his landlady's son and went towards Ecobank Bonaberi. There, he saw what had happened alongside top ranking military officers and their elements at work. He called Aristide Ndoumbe and some other persons, informing them about the happenings, and stayed there till about 7am the next day.

On April 6, 2011, he learnt that Aristide Ndoumbe, suspected of participating in the robbery, was under detention at the Bonaberi Gendarmerie. He said he helped the gendarmes in arresting Silas Djieukumo, but was later detained on April 12, 2011, as one of the criminals.