Infos Business of Saturday, 9 July 2016


Tradex wins contract to supply Sodecoton diesel

The Ministry of Public Procurement has just awarded to the company Tradex, specialised in bunkering, trading and distribution of oil products, the contract for the supply of diesel and oil to the oil mills and other ginning factories of Sodecoton. The contract has a value of over FCFA 2.8 billion, we learn.

According to the communiqué from the Ministry of Public Procurement, all the deliveries must be made over a period of 12 months.

The contract, we learn, comes with an obligation for Tradex to make the deliveries 72 hours maximum after the order, and within 24 hours in case of emergency.

For this contract, this subsidiary of the Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH), which became the leader among the national companies in an oil products distribution sector largely dominated by multinationals, was chosen over Oilybia and Neptune Oil.