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Infos Santé of Monday, 20 January 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Yaounde General Hospital Over FCFA 8 Billion Adopted for 2014

The 34th ordinary session of the Board of Directors of the Yaounde General Hospital took place on Tuesday January 14, 2014 in Yaounde. The meeting was presided at by the board chair of the hospital, Charles Etoundi.

The main point on the agenda was the adoption of the budget of the hospital for 2014. Board members also examined the minutes of the 32nd and 33rd board meetings of July 2013, the resolutions of the board meeting of 2013 and the execution of the 2013 budget and the performance project.

At the end of the deliberations the sum of FCFA8, 904,800,000 was adopted as budget for 2014. The major innovation this year was the presentation of the performance project of the hospital for 204 and the perspectives for 2014. The document presented by the Director General of the Hospital Professor Ndjitoyap Ndam brought out the objectives of performance for the next three years giving each action envisaged, objectives, indicators and targets as well as modalities for implementation notably the necessary resources.

The Board Chair Charles Etoundi said the document is an instrument for reference for the projection of the Yaounde General Hospital in future. According Charles Etoundi the hospital should look for external funding as the government alone and the hospital cannot fund the rehabilitation of the hospital.