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Actualités of Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Youths Display Commitment In Parades

Their participation at National Day activities in Yaounde was remarkable.

Thousands of youths from elementary and secondary schools, higher institutions and political parties yesterday, May 20, 2013 at the May 20 Avenue in Yaounde reaffirmed their commitment to State institutions to help catapult the country to emergence by 2035. They took active part in festivities marking the Unitary State attended by President Paul Biya.

Forty-one years of unity and fraternity (20th May 1972-20th May 2013) were aptly presented when a square of young female gendarmes set the ball rolling. A similar square with youth full of energy and vitality was displayed by the army. Generally, novices in the military were given pride of place to show the public their strength. Even in the motorised march past, young soldiers showcased their dexterity. With munitions and on steering wheels, youths paraded with a spirit of belonging and commitment.

From elementary to secondary schools, youths demonstrated their commitment and willingness to take the country to emergence by 2035 especially as they are considered as an asset for the country's development. "Let us consolidate our asset of national unity," one of the banners from the University of Yaounde II, Soa read. Garbed in bright uniforms and moving in choreographic displays that focused on national unity and integration, students from other institutes like IFTIC Sup, IAI Cameroon, Yaounde I University and INJS, swung hands with fliers of the national colours (green, red and yellow) in a show of nationalism.

Young would-be professionals from the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM, Yaounde - who were taking part in the event for the first time - paraded in outstanding outfits as if to tell Cameroonians how much they missed the celebrations in the past. Even in political parties, the role played by the youth was active. With parties represented in the National Assembly like the CPDM, SDF, NUDP and CDU, youths entertained the public.

Two primary and secondary schools from each sub-division of the city - chanted songs pregnant with meaning to celebrate peace and unity in the country.