Infos Sports of Thursday, 17 September 2015

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Douala gears up for Chantal Biya Grand Prix

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The Chantal Biya Grand Prix is scheduled from October 14 to 18 in Douala, which will host the kickoff of the competition.

Details were given when the SG of the region, Ludovic Etienne Ngbwa, on behalf of the governor, chaired a meeting of the local organizing committee for the International event, yesterday.

The President of the Cameroon Cycling Federation, Honoré Yossi, stated that the activities include riders starting the race at the Reunification stadium, through to the university, carrefour Ndokoti, Bp Cité, and then return to the stadium. It is scheduled on October 15. It is a distance of 7.2 kilometres to go about 15 times. An opening of over two kilometres will be done the day before.

Other joints: October 16 is the short distance from Yaoundé-Ebolowa. The next day the riders will start from Zoetele to Sangmélima to Meyomessala, before taking on the Yaounde-Sangmélima stretch on October 18. Last but not the last step of pedaling will be at the May 20 Boulevard: a criterion is also planned in Yaoundé, noted Yossi Honoré.

In all, 12 teams are expected for this 15th edition of the Chantal Biya Grand Prix, from Cameroon (two teams), Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Waiting for the big day, the various committees of the local organizing committee (general supervision, material organization and bunting, health, communication, security, protocol) is set to work.