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Musique of Monday, 23 March 2015

Source: Culture Ebene

I just present my musical baby Bulb Grilled - Bertrand Cloud

The composor of ‘Ampoule Grillée’, Bertrand Cloud arrived on the Yaoundé soil last Thursday evening and was welcomed by an overwhelming number of people who treated him to some music and dance. Nonetheless Bertrand who was tired spared us the interview that ensured below.

Q: You are welcome Bertrand Cloud.

A: Thank you to you and especially to all my fans who have waited so long for me.

Q: A lot of emotions can be seen from the public upon your arrival.

A: Ah, you can say that again. It's very touching. In my head, I assumed it was only a few people and close associates. But seeing the huge number of fans who welcomed me with music and dance at the airport, truly left me amazed. I really did not expect it; I felt like dancing on the spot (Laughs). In short, it was a warm welcome. I also noted the presence of some friends and media men. And with that will you tell me we do not support culture here?

Q: You come with an expanding musical project in your suitcase; speaking of ‘Ampoule Grillée’. We hope that Bertrand is very prepared to strike a relationship with his people.

A: (He laughs) No, no, you know as we say: “the burnt bulb is no longer afraid of the short circuit”. In short, I just take the blessing by presenting this musical baby, hoping that the public really adopt it.

Q: What is the history of this song?

A: The song came naturally. We are in the times where we are one way or the other victims of slander, sabotage and jealousy. I have experienced such hence the decision to come up with a song.

Q: And the collaboration with Mani Bella?

A: I casually asked Mani because as you are aware, she had been away for a while. Moreover her situation was in a way related to the song. So to me, she was the right person to collaborate with. Also Mani and I have known each other for a long time. We have a very good relationship and she is a sister to me.

Q: As you already here in Cameroon, what's next?

A: Well we’ll embark on a media tour. After I will be open to any offer; that is in terms of media support, entertainment etc.

Q: Any collaboration in sight, especially with local artistes?

A: Why not? Especially when they are doing a good job. I listen to a lot of what comes from here, so I would very delighted to be associated with the projects.

Q: Could we have two or three names to expect?

A: (Laughs). I remain open as I said earlier, and if it is a tune that speaks to me, then I will not hesitate.

Q: Enjoy your stay.

A: Thank you again