Musique of Tuesday, 18 October 2016


Listen to ‘Ya Moh ’ by Pkay Made Ft Meh Brick

Unikorn Records, one of the most renowned production houses in Bamenda, is proud to announce the release of the premier song of its first legitimately signed Artist Pkay Made Featuring Meh Brick titled Ya Moh.

The song is an afropop masterpiece spiced with colors from the grass field regions yet filled with the swag of urban culture. It’s a love song, which appreciates women in a very unique way.

Since its creation in 2009, the Label has worked with almost every emergent artist in Bamenda, with enticing collaborations from several Buea and Douala based artists and labels.

The CEO of Unikorn Records Mr Ndong Rufus, mentioned in an interview, that the release of this single, is just a baby step of many more revelations to come