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Musique of Friday, 11 July 2014

Source: Star Africa

PouMoukel, the new face of Coupé-décalé

Armel Ulrich Omve, from his real name, is a Cameroonian artist which lives in Dakar (Senegal).

Passionate about music since he was young, he became famous at the beginning of 2010 under the name PouMoukel.

This Cameroonian artist, who's only 23, elegantly combines texts that speak of the lives of youth and rhythms like Coupé-décalé, RnB or Rumba.

Thanks to the success generated by its songs, he became a reference for the Coupé-décalé music on the Senegalese scene.

In this year 2014, he comes back with his new song “Mulema”