Infos Business of Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Source: Business in Cameroon

CNPS wishes to recover more than FCfa 60 billion

CNPS wishes to recover more than FCfa 60 billion CNPS wishes to recover more than FCfa 60 billion

Since last 3 October, the National Social Security Fund (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale - CNPS) has launched a vast collection operation with businesses with cumulative social security contribution arrears of their employees, we learn from authorised sources.

According to our information, these arrears exceed FCfa 60 billion to date. Also, in a communiqué which seems like a warning addressed to the management of these insolvent companies, the Managing Director of the CNPS, Alain Noël Olivier Mekulu Mvondo, invites «all the employers concerned to contact their assigned social security centre, with a view to clearing their debts, in order to avoid the unpleasantness that could be caused by the application of coercive measures».

As a reminder, in Cameroon, when they do not register their employees at the CNPS, many companies, including the most unsuspected, refrain from paying to this state structure the social security contributions of their employees, even though they are effectively deducted from their monthly salaries. This practice which is detrimental to workers, once they leave on retirement, is continuously condemned by the CNPS, who has even simplified procedures to register workers.