Infos Business of Thursday, 12 January 2017


Cameroon to make market regulation Committee operational

Created by the Prime Minister, Philémon Yang, in October 2016, the inter-ministry Committee in charge of market regulation, a kind of watchdog for the commercial activity in the country, will soon be operational, the Minister of Commerce revealed on 10 January 2017.

Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana was then meeting operators in the consumer goods sector, to review the promotional sales operations launched at the end of 2016 and get the forecast on market supply and consumer goods prices at the start of this new year.

With representatives from some public administrations, business people, consumer goods distributors and members of consumer rights associations, the above-mentioned committee, we learned, will regulate commercial activities through the country, to ensure the protection of consumers often at the mercy of speculators and other dishonest traders.