Infos Business of Saturday, 23 January 2016


Cameroonian coffee finds new outlets in China, Holland and Malaysia

(Business in Cameroon) – Out of the 23,865 tons of coffee produced in Cameroon during the 2014-2015 season, exports peaked at 23,672 tons, an increase of 8.24%, according to the end of season assessment made by the National Cocoa and Coffee Office (ONCC in French).

Upon analysis, this increase in exports, despite the drop in national production (-27%), could be explained by the entry of new consumers of Cameroonian coffee in the portfolio of the local exporters.

Indeed, the Inter-professional Cocoa and Coffee Council notes in its “synoptic” report of the 2014-2015 coffee season, China, Hollande (already the destination of 80% Cameroon’s coffee) and Malaysia “are the new destinations for Arabica coffee” from Cameroon.

However, at the end of the above mentioned season, Germany, Belgium and Russia remained the main Cameroonian coffee destinations (Arabica and Robusta), since these three countries received 81.36% of exported volumes, the official statistics revealed.

Business in Cameroon