Infos Business of Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Coffee merchants dream of coffee time in public administration

With an average consumption of 600 grams of coffee per person and per year, Cameroon is not one of the biggest coffee consumers. In order to reverse this trend, the Cameroonian coffee merchants proposed recently in Yaoundé, during the 2016 edition of the International Festival of Cameroonian Coffee (Festicoffee), the concept of establishing coffee hours in the Cameroonian administration during which local coffee would be consumed.

In addition to boosting the consumption of local coffee renowned for its particular flavours, since a minimum of 270,000 cups (number of civil servants) would be consumed every day; this idea of turning the public administration into a breeding ground for the consumption of coffee could help boost the performances of the civil servants.

Indeed, as highlighted by a study from the Institute of Agronomic Research for Development (IRAD) presented during the last Festicoffee, "caffeine prolongs attentiveness and reinforces the resistance to tiredness. A few cups of coffee chase away the feeling of weariness during work, or repetitive tasks".