Infos Business of Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Semry seeks suppliers for FCFA 1 bln equipment order

This the season to strengthen the means of production at the Société d’Expansion et de Modernisation de la Riziculture de Yagoua (Semry).

After the commissioning of a rice paddy dehusker in April, and the expected delivery of two other units of the same type in June; the Cameroonian government has just launched two calls for tenders for the supply of two tractors, two disk pulverisers and one bulldozer to this public agro-industrial company.

The two contracts are worth a total of FCfa 920 million, including FCfa 320 million for the supply of the bulldozer and FCfa 600 million for the tractors and pulverisers. The applicants will have to submit their offers to the Ministry of Public Procurement latest by 5th May, for the tractors and pulverisers, and 9th May for the bulldozer.

In addition to the securities of respectively FCfa 12 and 6.4 million, for the tractors and bulldozer contracts, the bidding companies must ensure to have “a spare parts store and a repair shop” in northern Cameroon (where the installations of Semry are located), the government highlighted in its call for tenders.