Infos Business of Monday, 17 September 2012

Source: Cameroon Tribune

What Awaits New Maetur GM, Louis Roger Manga!

Developing land for giant housing projects is the dream of the new GM appointed last Thursday September 13.

The Urban and Rural Land Development Authority, MAETUR, now has a new General Manager. Louis Roger Manga was appointed Thursday September 13 by a presidential decree to replace Oyono Emmanuel appointed General Manager of Douala Autonomous Ports Authority last March. He is assisted by Mbong Michael Mbine.

When Cameroon Tribune met the elated GM at his residence in Yaounde Saturday September 15, he was all praises for the Head of State, "I am grateful and thankful to the Head of State for the confidence he has bestowed on me. I will make MAETUR an integral part of government's housing project. Our major duty is to develop land so that the real estate company of the country can easily work to produce housing units needed to make life worth living in the country and we will work tooth and nail to do that both in the urban and rural areas so as to make land available for on-going and impending projects which are part of the Head of State's Greater Accomplishment Programme," Mr Manga said. "We will also need to develop the parcels of land that will be put at the disposal of the public. I know the challenge is daunting, but we will not spare any effort to produce land that government needs to forge ahead with its development. We will also need to open up to the councils and the private sector for we need a lot of partnership to be able to attain our objective," he added.

Prior to his appointment as GM of MAETUR, Louis Roger Manga was in the Department of Urban Restructuring of the same corporation where he was charged with rehabilitating already occupied neighbourhoods. Trained in Lyon School of Commerce in Business Administration, specifically in Finance and Managing Projects where he obtained a DESS and a Doctorate Degree, he has served MAETUR in several capacities notably as a Sale Manager, worked in Studies, Programming and Finance. Married with four children, the 58-year-old seasoned Project's Manager awaits his commissioning into office in the hours ahead.