Diaspora News of Monday, 17 November 2014
Source: cameroon-concord.com
In the last few months, a new wave of preventive medical consultation has been thriving Cameroon communities in Germany and even beyond.
Without doubts Ask Docta has come to set a new trend and to impact the lives of patients around the world, says an active viewer of the program.
Reiterating the vision of the program, Dr. Susan Aweh observed that Ask Docta envisages good health for all. Cameroon Concord understands that this revolutionized approach of preventive medical consultation is a healthy opportunity that needs attention.
Taking medical diagnosis and knowledge transfer may proof to be worthwhile and commensurate to scale constructive progress, than reacting to patients during consultation while already in a state of sickness says Dr. Emmanuel Ngassa. This is exactly the new approach being implemented and led by Dr. Emmanuel Ngassa and Dr. Susan Aweh, all medical professionals in the federal republic of Germany.
This new attitude is directed to both the educated and the unschooled population capable of understanding spoken Pidgin English and English languages. In reactive consultative medicine, patients go to the health centers/clinics for specific examinations, tests or consultations when they are sick, including: coordinating all tests and arranging for an interpreter, where applicable. In this new dimension, everything is intrinsically priceless.
The specialist Doctors breakdown to simple terms a particular disease and diagnostic pattern. The causes, the symptoms, diagnosis and possible preventive solutions and treatment are made available to the audience. With this first class valuable information, even the unschooled ones can follow-up and make prompt decisions accordingly.
Why would a medical professional offer such costly medical consultation/service for free? Apart from taking medical diagnosis to the masses, Dr Emmanuel Ngassa says the goal is to raise health awareness on simple issues and make patients acknowledge that sickness isn´t the end of life. “When patients know about their health, they can circumnavigate difficulties and make plausible decisions that may earn them a better bill of health. And together we can collectively achieve good health”.
For her part Dr. Susan Aweh hinted that healthcare is integral to economic development opportunity, as only a healthy nation can experience advances in economic productivity. She revealed that by bringing medicine closer to the masses, Ask Docta decomposes the barrier between the noble and high esteemed medical professionals and the patients.
This method wins back the patient’s believe in health care and avoids the trap of ignorance and abuse by charlatans and bunkum pastors parading the streets, in the name of miracle makers. The program demystifies witchcraft on explicable medical cases, for example, a family with a genetical issue of stroke or high blood, that could be solved may tend to believe in witchcraft if they are unaware.
These medical gurus have developed and are now implementing the preventive medical consultation program Ask Docta being streamed on YouTube, as a platform through which medical consultation is offered. Apart from answering pertinent questions regarding particular illnesses and providing core answers to complicated health issues, an interactive web interface http://www.askdocta.com/ has been put at the disposal of global medical audience to facilitate interactivity.
While being optimistic Dr. Ngassa was as well realistic in his observation of the limitations imposed on Ask Docta, by the absence of internet access and services in interior regions of target audience. Nonetheless his team has already initiated partnership search for local Radio and television organizations to broadcast Ask Docta in the interiors.
Camfomedics, an organization of Cameroon medical doctors in Germany is resourceful to the program. Specialists in different medical domains are respectively brought to Ask Docta to enlighten the audience with this innovative methodology. Discussing and explaining medicine in Pidgin English is not the only challenge facing Ask Docta.
The success of Ask Docta relies invariable on the efficient consumption of this new brand conception. The platform Youtube and the web interface are efficient tools presented to us to make competent use of this great medical reserve, so that together we can achieve Good Health For All. So help us Ask Docta!