Diaspora News of Sunday, 9 November 2014
Source: dulcecamer.blogspot.com
“Someone asked why I’m doing this and what inspires me. Well, I think it’s easy to see that what brought me to this place was a desire to honour my daddy in a special and memorable way. To show the world that his spirit lives on through me. I made a pledge to train and do this race and thus far, I’ve kept my commitment. And through each gruesome mile logged, my daddy has continued to watch over me from above.”
This was the words of Liz Oton 19 days to the New York City Marathon in which she had challenged herself to do something worthy in remembrance of her late father Chief John Agbor Tabi.
Her training done, her spirits high, her entourage and family ready and at the front line to cheer her on as she ran 26.2 miles to the finish line. With just barely enough time to rest her tired legs and enjoy her medal for being courageous and determined, Dulce Camer was already knocking for a few minutes catch up with her.
DC: How did you truly feel before the race? Liz: I'd never done a full marathon before so there was a tad bit of nervousness around pursuing a new challenge. But I was steadfast and devoted in my training. I went in confident that I'd done everything that I could in preparation. I decided to trust my training and to run happy, run strong! I decided I wouldn't give in to fear or negativity, that I'd stick to my training plan and worst case scenario, I'd finish - even if it meant crawling to the finish line! There, a medal awaited me and I couldn't let myself, my dad in whose memory I was running for, and all my myriad of supporters down.
DC: And after? Liz: I ran happy! I ran strong! I smiled all the way from the first stride to mile 26.2! I high fived all the spectators along 1st avenue (miles 17/18) and danced to "turn down for what" at mile 20! As I got further into the 20s I began to jump for joy and at each mile marker. It was my mini celebration of sorts especially as in training we only ran up to 20-22 miles! I was in awe of what was happening- what I was achieving with each stride. I thought about my dad all along and the countless people battling leukaemia. I thought about all the friends and family behind me and I couldn't have felt more emboldened! Crossing the finish was quite emotional and I cried but my general sentiment was of gratitude, accomplishment and hunger! Yes, all I wanted was a cheese pizza! Settled for a nice salad, quiche and lots of water instead!
DC: What contribution do you think you have made about the awareness of Leukaemia? Liz: I believe I've raised awareness in my community and circle of influence by speaking openly of my dad’s battle. As you know it's still very much taboo to speak of illness in the Cameroonian culture. I believe that only through dialogue and open communication can we stamp out diseases! I also believe that in running this race, I've shown that we as individuals hold tremendous ability to change the way disease ravages our communities. Every little bit counts so go out there and make a difference!
DC: What next for you? Liz: Right now, savouring my extra time since race training season is over. Enjoying time with my yummy hubby! And continuing in my attempts to make the world a better place and living a purposeful, inspired life. In a few weeks, I'll return to cycling (my true athletic love), and some more running. I'll start training for my next athletic challenges.
Undeterred by these challenges, it is certain we will see Liz Oton in yet another marathon soon! Her goal was to raise $5,000 but she exceeded that and her current fundraised amount stands at almost $6,500. Big cheers to you Liz!