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Culture of Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Source: kamerflowmagazine.com

Has the X-Maleya finally signed out from the Empire Company?

Seems like it was a contracted business and it has terminated as the best Cameroon music group, the X-Maleya no longer carried the flag of Empire Company but that of the XM Music.

The whole introduction started with the video collabo, ‘Mon Ex’ with J.Martins of Nigeria while the jacket they wore during the shooting was like an alert to the fans of a new brand.

Some of their 2014 videos like ‘Tomber’, showcased the real magnitude of how serious they were with the latest home video collabo with another music group, Rhythm.

Thus, plenty of work now for Magasco and Duc-Z, who are the two most popular young stars with the Empire Company. Magasco recently announced the release of his own design brand, BAMENDA BOY.

Who knows, tomorrow it may turned to be his own music band. It is a good thing that the X-Maleya are keeping the country’s flag that high and we wish them success through their journey.