Culture of Tuesday, 27 January 2015


It’s more than the show…it's spiritual - Belle Vie Linaress

The show has no secrets for this artiste who came into the limelight nearly a year ago thanks to her single, ‘Donne ma part sur ça’.

Belle Vie Linaress, talks to us about her spiritual side that has been hidden for a while and other issues.

“The year started well by the Grace of God”, that was how she responded to greetings from our team of reporters who visited her at her home last week.

Even though many would be surprised, it should be known that Belle Vie Linaress grew up in a strict religious family.

This is what explains her penchant for the Gospel. She only listens to the GAEL (hymns group), as she was active in village choirs at Mvan before her arrival in Yaoundé. She however admitted that entering the showbiz has not been easy.

Since 2006, she has tries to make a name in an environment that over the years is becoming increasingly competitive. But she has not lost hope, and in 2014, she released single and is experiencing a rapid expansion against all odds.

“This makes me realize it is an insured buzz. I thank my fans for responding positively," she admitted . The audience was immediately captured and beautiful opportunity to refine an album that has been brewing for several years.

In recent weeks, ‘Origine’ has been in stores and already receiving a good amount of airplay. It is an album with eight different titles and colorful in terms of rhythms. It includes gospel, dosed bikutsi, and a little slow vibes.

Linaress who do not regret having waited so long stated that “slow start certainly, but it is with much love that I stay and I do not lose my guard” The musical environment is with private producers of which she will embark on self-production, and implements OLINAR Productions, her label.

She seized the opportunity to invite her fans and the public to see her perform at ‘Great Night Of Love’ on February 14. She promised it to be a ‘crazy’ show.

"I'm in love, and I’ll be there to express love in my way of course”, she said. She will share the stage with François Misse Ngoh, Marthe Zambo, Mathematik, Val Shamar, Coco Silver and many others.

Belle Vie Linaress is certainly a woman in love. She tenderly and passionately shares her life with the love of her life that she did not wish to disclose.

In 2015 she wished for love and support from her fans.