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Culture of Friday, 30 October 2015

Source: kamerflowmagazine.wordpress.com

Magasco draws closer to the lights of John Legend

Magasco Magasco

Magasco has been given a task that may undoubtedly come to pass. The Empire Company artiste has, for the years, shown his artistry music aesthetic to the world.

This has left many on concluding his brand and style to that of John Legend.

For reasons of his passion, charisma and newly electrifying single 'Every', his fans all over Africa and the world have taken upon themselves to top-chat him like John Legend rather than the ordinary Magasco they know in Cameroon and on social media.

In a WhatsApp group where Every was shared by one of his fans, many contemplated on the originality of the song.

“Is that John Legend?” “Who is he?”… It took just a comment that helped clarify it was Magasco and not John himself, unlike Drake they also have been comparing him to.

The Empire Company has been placing the young hit star in the front line with features with artistes from France, Gabon and other countries. So if Magasco is to keep up with this same style, he may surely draw John’s interest as his style falls in line with his.

Listen to Every below and let your ears be the judge.