Sports Features of Saturday, 2 August 2014


Cameroonian female athletes shine at Commonwealth games

Despite the disappearance of eight Cameroonian athletes prior to the commencement of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow-Scotland, Cameroon has won a total of seven.

So far, all of Cameroon’s seven medals are won by women in various disciplines. Meanwhile, the male athletes seem to have specialized in vanishing rather than defending their motherland.

In women’s 69kg weightlifting, Marie Fegue's won gold medal, in Judo Cameroon won one silver in Women's half middleweight (-63KG) by Helene Wezeu Dombeu and bronze in Women's half Heavyweight (78KG) by Hortense Mballa Atangan),Wrestling-freestyle (two silver in women’s 75kg by Annabel Ali and women’s 69kg by Angele Tomo, two bronze in WOMEN'S 48K women’s 48kg by Rebecca Muambo and women’s 63kg by Blandine Metala Epanga) making it a total of seven medals.

It should be noted that Marie Fegue’s gold medal in the women’s 69kg weightlifting category on Monday was the first gold for Cameroon since its first Commonwealth Games gold medal 2002.

It has become a well known phenomenon for Cameroonian athletes to always vamoose each time they step out of the country to represent their motherland. During the Olympic Games in London in 2012, six Cameroonian athletes escaped. The Dissertation by athletes has been attributed to the quest for greener pasture and the lack of facilities for the athletes backs at home to ameliorate their talent. If nothing is done, this talent drain will go on.

The athletes that vamoosed into thin air include two wrestlers; Gilles Kamdem Mike and Bekono who fled before the beginning of the competition during the training camp in Aberdeen. The others who competed before escaping are namely: Ndoua Epie Osoungou, Mariam Guekap Wafo, Paul Dicka Mattam, Cyrille Tchatchet II, Guy Ngongang Tchuissi.

It is also alleged that the lone Cameroon gold medalist at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, Marie Josephe Fegue is also said to be missing.

Cameroon’s tally therefore stands at six medals; one gold, three silver and three bronze. Cameroon maintains the 15th position obtained after the 6th day of competitions on Tuesday, July 29. Cameroon is currently ranked 16 out of the 37 countries taking part. Cameroon is behind South Africa (7), Kenya (8) and Nigeria( 9).

Cameroon however stands a chance of increasing her scores through Marlyne Ngo Ngoa engaged in the final of the long jump event. Cameroon has hopes of increasing its medal tally in Joelle Mbumi Nkouinndjin who is involved in the final of the triple jump event today. Meanwhile, it has been the end of the road for athletes like Marie Ngono Zibi and Oyono Oyono who were eliminated from the triple jump and javelin throw events respectively.

As the games draw to the end, more athletes may desert their motherland as it is alleged that officials of certain countries go round trying to convince Cameroonians athletes to change their nationalities and adopt theirs so as to benefit from their talents.