Infos Santé of Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Source: Business in Cameroon

Yaoundé Emergency Centre treats 15802 patients in a year of operation

Between 18 August 2015, the date it started service and 18 August 2016, the first anniversary, Yaoundé Emergency Centre (Cury) received a total of 15,802 patients according to the report of its Director Louis Joss Bitang, being an average of 1,316 people monthly or 43.89 patients daily.

Out of the 15,802 patients, states the doctor, 6,534 were received in a life-threatening state. In this last category, 2,748 patients were admitted to the resuscitation and intensive care units with an overall mortality rate estimated at 3.87%. In absolute numbers 191 deaths were recorded in one year out of 15,802 patients treated. "This mortality rate is comparable to that observed in major emergency centres where the mortality rate ranges between 3.5 and 4.5%", indicates Louis Joss Bitang.

For off-site emergencies, Cury made 585 call outs to assist those injured on public roads, or to transport patients in difficulty home. And Yaoundé Central Hospital fully played its role as principal partner in receiving 264 patients from Cury for follow-on treatment.

The Cameroonian capital Emergency Centre employs 345 staff of whom, 41 GPs and specialists, 195 technical staff, 41 administrative officers, 61 assistant personnel and 9 Korean aid workers. The health facility has a 50-bed capacity with the possibility of extending to 100 beds in case of a massive influx of patients.