A seminar of computer training for the network of local elected women in Africa, Cameroon (REFELA-CAM) section will be held from Monday 22 to Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at the IAI-Cameroon, "Paul Biya Centre of Excellence technology."
The President of the REFELA-CAM, Céline Ketcha Courtès, Mayor of Bangangté, would through this formation establish a win-win partnership with the IAI-Cameroon and allow the members of the network to respond effectively to the new challenges of their respective municipalities.
The training will focus on the following modules: Word processing, Excel for different computations, Internet communication and research information, the optimal use of new communication tools, i-phones, i - pad.
IAI-Cameroon, forming local elected mayors prepares for the vast project which will be launched in the coming days: "MIJEF 2035" aims at the formation of one million young people, children and women for the emergence of Cameroon by the year 2035.