Sports Features of Tuesday, 6 December 2016


2016 Women’s AFCON: football matches pull crowds

The 10th edition of the Women AFCON has come and gone. However memories of the competition are still fresh in the minds of Cameroonians. Even though Cameroon lost to the Super Falcons of Nigeria the competition can be described as successful following the huge mobilisation of the public in all the stages of the competition. For the first time, the women’s football competition pulled crowds especially in the two host cities – Yaounde and Limbe.

In Yaounde for instance, thousands of fans and supporters from all regions of the country trooped to the stadium and fan zones to watch the matches. Prior to every encounter fans and supporters queued in front of the different entrances of the stadium for hours to secure their seats in order not t miss any part of the encounters.

Even though, not every supporter could get into the stadium, many were able to watch the encounters in the different fan zones in the city. In the fan zones around the stadium and in order areas in the city giant scenes were erected with comfortable seats for spectators.

One supporter, Marcel A. said he watched all the encounters at the fan zone even though he had some tickets. Some of the fans told Cameroon Tribune reporters that they came out watch the competition on giant screens as a way of supporting the Lionesses. The competition brought about mobilisation from the different sectors of the society. The media was at its best giving ample information on the competition.

During any of the encounters especially that of Cameroon, transportation was difficult, as many cab drivers parked to watch the matches. In supermarkets in down town Yaounde, most of the television sets that are on sale were plugged on the give traders who could not go to the stadium or fan zones to watch the encounters.

The 2016 AFCON will go down in history as successful. Team captain for the Super Falcons, Rita Chikwelu described the competition as the best African Championship she has ever seen.