Soccer News of Saturday, 18 June 2016


Construction of Bamenda Olympic Stadium begins

The city of Bamenda since April 20, 2016 has not known football since the closure of the municipal Stadium for the construction of a 2500 capacity stadium. For almost a month and a half, noting happened in the stadium and this became the talk of the town.

When visited the stadium this Tuesday June 14, 2016, we noticed that work had started with the digging of holes expected to carry some pillars.

Talking to Radio Hot Cocoa’s Pierre Anoufack on his prime time Bilingual Sports News Cast earlier on this Tuesday, Madam Asong Said “The project was delayed for technical reasons.

But do not believe that Prime PROTOMAC Group studies were poorly conducted. The thing is that a control mission chose to lead in the studies before work could continue. This is an attempt to ensure that the databases are exactly those which will be applied on the site.

We are ready to meet that deadline. But we may face some constraints. As you can see, work began in full rainy season. Last week for example, we lost three days of work because of rain. It should also provide for administrative constraints control missions for example.

When you observe the implementation process underway what can heavy equipments do here now? It would be useless to come with heavy duty equipment here as they are useful elsewhere. Again, it's a matter of time.

We'll get to that autonomy. For now the excavation work does not require the light since no work is done in the night.”