Sports Features of Thursday, 18 September 2014


Eto'o, Cameroon football and mixed feelings

Few things create so much excitement like football. Even a football novice can be momentarily caught in the excitement of a tournament. This was the case with the just ended World Cup tournament.

The performance of Cameroon left much to be desired and after the anger, frustration and blame game, wounds were licked and tears were wiped off and life went on or so it seemed. Recently, a certain euphoria seems to grip the Cameroonian society. This euphoria is one that comes in a mixture of joy and dismay.

Unfortunately, it seems the joy is having a field day amongst Cameroonians both at home and abroad. After the era of ace footballer Roger Milla, few names have helped to propel Cameroon up the echelon of the football ladder and the world scene as that of Eto’o Fils, the erstwhile Captain of the Indomitable Lions. Being one of a kind amongst his peers, his achievements in the football pitch made him the darling of lovers of football in Cameroon.

A recent event shows these same Cameroon football lovers are consistently inconsistent with their love for Cameroon legends. The vast majority of Cameroonian football lovers are suddenly divorcing themselves from their darling of the football world following his de-captaining.

The love the nation had for Eto’o has changed from a love affair to a hate affair. Many seem to blame Eto’o solely for the dismal performance of the Indomitable Lions; citing arrogance and pride as causes.

There is no doubt that added wood to a dying fire can result in a wild fire with disastrous consequences if not checked. The men and women now condemning Eto’o all over the world don’t even know how the family of Late Marc Vivien Foe has been surviving ever since his death.

It appears many a Cameroonian do not know how to give the devil its due no matter how small. The rejoicing that has followed the seeming disgrace of Eto’o Fils is very very worrying to any right thinking Cameroonian.

The nation has allowed a group of dishonest and corrupt elite to continue to manipulate the poor masses into hating the men and women who through their private endeavors have brought honour and fame to our nation.

It was nevertheless, quiet a dismay to see people rejoice and blast the downfall of someone they hitherto worshipped the ground he walked on. Fame is like the morning dew, here today gone tomorrow.

Few will remember and appreciate what Eto’o did in the history of Cameroonian football. His case is like biting off the proverbial hand that fed us and in such a case, it could appear being an unsung hero is far more appealing.